ICO Group strategy 2022-2027
ICO’s Strategy 2022-2027 is aligned with the transformation of the Spanish economy’s growth model towards a more sustainable and digital model with a greater capacity to generate quality employment.
Over the coming years, ICO will provide an effective response to the needs of Spanish companies, to help drive the process of recovery, transformation and strengthening of Spain’s growth model, in accordance with the priorities defined in the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan approved by the Government, and in line with the Next Generation EU Programme and the European Union’s Multiannual Financial Framework 2021-2027.
In line with the priorities of the Spanish economy and the cross-cutting objectives set out in the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan – moving towards a greener, digital, socially and territorially cohesive and more egalitarian Spain – ICO’s strategy is based on 4 strategic axes that are translated into 20 action plans to be implemented in the short and medium term.
- Business growth. Boost business growth, the competitiveness and resilience of the Spanish economy and the generation of employment.
- Digital transformation. Promote the digital transformation of the Spanish productive fabric.
- Sustainable finance. Promote the ecological transition and the environmental, social and governance (ESG) sustainability of the Spanish business fabric.
- Corporate Governance. Strengthen governance and digital/ technological resources, promote organisational transformation and expand institutional, communication and CSR activity