Business growth
Financing to boost SME growth and competitiveness
One of the main challenges in the recovery and transformation of the Spanish economy is increasing the average size of businesses to deliver greater competitiveness, R+D investment capabilities, human capital, and digitisation, greater job security, productivity, and, broadly, greater resilience to the changing economic landscape.
The ICO Group, in line with the priorities of the Spanish economy and the cross-cutting objectives set out in the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan, supports the business fabric, contributing to the achievement of economic policy objectives and driving growth, job creation and the transformation of the Spanish economy.
In order to transform and promote a new model of economic growth defined by competitiveness, digital transformation and environmental and social sustainability, we work in public-private collaboration to diversify, expand and develop new financial instruments to improve access to long-term financing for companies of all sectors and sizes, especially SMEs, midcaps, the self-employed, entrepreneurs and social economy entities.
With this objective in mind, the ICO Group's 2022-2027 Strategy defines seven short and medium-term action plans whose deployment will contribute to consolidating business growth: